Kenton & Nathan’s Hills
Kenton and Nathan’s Hills are part of series of Kijabe hills that lies on Kikuyu Escarpment.
The Kenton Hill rises to an altitude of 2500 meters while Nathan’s hill is on the former white highland reaching to 2800 meter above the sea level.
Hike start near the Mai-Mahiu Vumilia I.D.P Camp, Hit the first Kijabe hill currently known as KENTON, Go through Old Kijabe Town to New Kijabe town, Hit a series of sharp ascend to Korio village, Mbau-ini village and then last hill that is Nathan’s to Magina shopping center which is located along New Nairobi Naivasha Highway
Difficulty level: Moderate to High
Time: 7-8 hours Hike.
Meeting point Bata next to Hilton hotel @ 5:00 Am and leave @ 5:10 Am
Lipa Na Mpesa-Till No.809744 (buy goods and services)
Forward the confirmation text to +254728839300
For more details, e-mail:
~>Casual slacks or cargo pants (No Sandals, Shorts nor Skirts)
~>Hiking shoes with good grip
~>Hat incase of hot sun.
~>Warm Clothing in case of change of weather
~>Rain gears & always carry an extra Tshirt
Requirements/what to carry
1. ID/Passport
2. Sun glasses
3. Sunscreen Lotion
4. Spirit of hiking
5. Extra water 2ltr -3ltrs
6. Packed Lunch/Snacks
7. Backpack to carry your personal items
- Guarantee price/guarantee trek on confirmation.
- Transfer to and from the base of the mountain
- Services of a professional guide, porters and skilled cook
- paramedic
- Start and finish Nairobi
- Training cost and purchase of mountain gear.
- Trekking gears
- Tips
- Items of personal nature